Polymorphic base type that represents a postal address and contact details. Depending on the read or write action, it can be either Address or AddressDraft that only differ in the data type for the optional custom field.

interface BaseAddress {
    additionalAddressInfo?: string;
    additionalStreetInfo?: string;
    apartment?: string;
    building?: string;
    city?: string;
    company?: string;
    country: string;
    department?: string;
    email?: string;
    externalId?: string;
    fax?: string;
    firstName?: string;
    id?: string;
    key?: string;
    lastName?: string;
    mobile?: string;
    phone?: string;
    pOBox?: string;
    postalCode?: string;
    region?: string;
    salutation?: string;
    state?: string;
    streetName?: string;
    streetNumber?: string;
    title?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


additionalAddressInfo?: string

Further information on the Address.

additionalStreetInfo?: string

Further information on the street address.

apartment?: string

Number or name of the apartment.

building?: string

Number or name of the building.

city?: string

Name of the city.

company?: string

Name of the company.

country: string

Name of the country.

department?: string

Name of the department.

email?: string

Email address of the contact.

externalId?: string

ID for the contact used in an external system.

fax?: string

Fax number of the contact.

firstName?: string

Given name (first name) of the contact.

id?: string

Unique identifier of the Address.

It is not recommended to set it manually since the API overwrites this ID when creating an Address for a [Customer](ctp:api:type:Customer).
Use `key` instead and omit this field from the request to let the API generate the ID for the Address.
key?: string

User-defined identifier of the Address that must be unique when multiple addresses are referenced in BusinessUnits, Customers, and itemShippingAddresses (LineItem-specific addresses) of a Cart, Order, QuoteRequest, or Quote.

lastName?: string

Family name (last name) of the contact.

mobile?: string

Mobile phone number of the contact.

phone?: string

Phone number of the contact.

pOBox?: string

Post office box number.

postalCode?: string

Postal code.

region?: string

Name of the region.

salutation?: string

Salutation of the contact, for example 'Mr.' or 'Ms.'

state?: string

Name of the state, for example, Colorado.

streetName?: string

Name of the street.

streetNumber?: string

Street number.

title?: string

Title of the contact, for example 'Dr.'