Provides a base configuration definition from which other class specific configurations can be extended.

interface CommercetoolsBaseConfig {
    clientId: string;
    clientSecret: string;
    onAfterResponse?: ((response) => void);
    onBeforeRequest?: ((requestConfig) => CommercetoolsRequest | Promise<CommercetoolsRequest>);
    projectKey: string;
    region: Region;
    retry?: Partial<CommercetoolsRetryConfig>;
    storeKey?: string;
    systemIdentifier?: string;
    timeoutMs?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


clientId: string
clientSecret: string
onAfterResponse?: ((response) => void)

If passed in, will be called once a request has been made and the response received (or error thrown).

Type declaration

onBeforeRequest?: ((requestConfig) => CommercetoolsRequest | Promise<CommercetoolsRequest>)

If passed in, will be called before sending a request to commercetools. The {@see requestConfig} parameter can be manipulated if you wish to modify/add headers or any other request data.

Type declaration

projectKey: string
region: Region
retry?: Partial<CommercetoolsRetryConfig>
storeKey?: string
systemIdentifier?: string

If provided, will be passed across to commercetools in the 'User-Agent' HTTP header, in order to help commercetools identify the source of incoming requests.

timeoutMs?: number