Returned when Line Item or Custom Line Item quantities set under ItemShippingDetails do not match the sum of the quantities in their respective shipping details.

The error is returned as a failed response to the [Create Order from Cart](ctp:api:endpoint:/{projectKey}/orders:POST) and [Create Order in Store from Cart](ctp:api:endpoint:/{projectKey}/in-store/orders:POST) requests.
interface InvalidItemShippingDetailsError {
    code: "InvalidItemShippingDetails";
    itemId: string;
    message: string;
    subject: string;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


code: "InvalidItemShippingDetails"
itemId: string

Unique identifier of the Line Item or Custom Line Item.

message: string

"Inconsistent shipping details for $subject with ID $itemId. $subject quantity is $itemQuantity and shippingTargets quantity sum is $quantitySum."

subject: string

"LineItem" or "CustomLineItem"

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