A MyShoppingListDraft is the object submitted as payload to the Create MyShoppingList request. The customer field of ShoppingList is automatically set with a password flow token. The anonymousId is automatically set with a token for an anonymous session. The key and slug fields can not be set.


Custom Fields defined for the ShoppingList.

deleteDaysAfterLastModification?: number

Number of days after which the ShoppingList will be automatically deleted if it has not been modified. If not set, the default value configured in the Project is used.

description?: LocalizedString

Description of the ShoppingList.

Line Items (containing Products) to add to the ShoppingList.

Name of the ShoppingList.

Assigns the new ShoppingList to the Store. The Store assignment can not be modified.

textLineItems?: TextLineItemDraft[]

Line Items (containing text values) to add to the ShoppingList.