An abstract sellable good with a set of Attributes defined by a Product Type. Products themselves are not sellable. Instead, they act as a parent structure for Product Variants. Each Product must have at least one Product Variant, which is called the Master Variant. A single Product representation contains the current and the staged representation of its product data.

interface Product {
    createdAt: string;
    createdBy?: CreatedBy;
    id: string;
    key?: string;
    lastModifiedAt: string;
    lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy;
    masterData: ProductCatalogData;
    priceMode?: string;
    productType: ProductTypeReference;
    reviewRatingStatistics?: ReviewRatingStatistics;
    state?: StateReference;
    taxCategory?: TaxCategoryReference;
    version: number;
    warnings?: ImageProcessingOngoingWarning[];

Hierarchy (View Summary)


createdAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the Product was initially created.

createdBy?: CreatedBy

IDs and references that created the Product.

id: string

Unique identifier of the Product.

key?: string

User-defined unique identifier of the Product.

This is different from the `key` of a [ProductVariant](ctp:api:type:ProductVariant).
lastModifiedAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the Product was last updated.

lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy

IDs and references that last modified the Product.

masterData: ProductCatalogData

Contains the current and the staged representation of the product information.

priceMode?: string

Type of Price to be used when looking up a price for the Product.

The Product Type defining the Attributes of the Product. Cannot be changed.

reviewRatingStatistics?: ReviewRatingStatistics

Review statistics of the Product.

State of the Product.

taxCategory?: TaxCategoryReference

The TaxCategory of the Product.

version: number

Current version of the Product.

Warnings about processing of a request. Appears in response to requests with response status code 202 Accepted.