Contains all the data of a Product and its Product Variants.


categories: CategoryReference[]

Categories assigned to the Product.

categoryOrderHints?: CategoryOrderHints

Numerical values to allow ordering of Products within a specified Category.

description?: LocalizedString

Description of the Product.

masterVariant: ProductVariant

The Master Variant of the Product.

metaDescription?: LocalizedString

Description of the Product as used by search engines.

metaKeywords?: LocalizedString

Keywords that give additional information about the Product to search engines.

metaTitle?: LocalizedString

Title of the Product as used by search engines.

Name of the Product.

searchKeywords: SearchKeywords

Used by Product Suggestions, but is also considered for a full text search.

User-defined identifier used in a deep-link URL for the Product. Must be unique across a Project, but can be the same for Products in different Locales. Matches the pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{2,256}.

variants: ProductVariant[]

Additional Product Variants.