interface ProductSearchProjectionParams {
    expand?: string[];
    localeProjection?: string[];
    priceChannel?: string;
    priceCountry?: string;
    priceCurrency?: string;
    priceCustomerGroup?: string;
    staged?: boolean;
    storeProjection?: string;


expand?: string[]

Expands a value of type Reference in a ProductProjection. In case the referenced object does not exist, the API returns the non-expanded reference.

localeProjection?: string[]
priceChannel?: string

id of an existing Channel used for Product price selection. Can only be used in conjunction with the priceCurrency parameter.

priceCountry?: string

The country used for Product price selection. Can only be used in conjunction with the priceCurrency parameter.

priceCurrency?: string

The currency used for Product price selection.

priceCustomerGroup?: string

id of an existing CustomerGroup used for Product price selection. Can only be used in conjunction with the priceCurrency parameter.

staged?: boolean

Set to true to retrieve the staged Product Projection

storeProjection?: string

key of an existing Store. If the Store has defined some languages, countries, distribution or supply Channels, they are used for projections based on locale, price, and inventory. If the Store has defined Product Selections or Product Tailoring, they have no effect on the results of this query.