nameName of the Attribute.
valueThe AttributeType determines the format of the Attribute value
to be provided:
- For [Enum Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeEnumType) and [Localized Enum Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeLocalizedEnumType),
use the `key` of the [Plain Enum Value](ctp:api:type:AttributePlainEnumValue) or [Localized Enum Value](ctp:api:type:AttributeLocalizedEnumValue) objects,
or the complete objects as `value`.
- For [Localizable Text Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeLocalizableTextType), use the [LocalizedString](ctp:api:type:LocalizedString) object as `value`.
- For [Money Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeMoneyType) Attributes, use the [Money](ctp:api:type:Money) object as `value`.
- For [Set Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeSetType) Attributes, use the entire `set` object as `value`.
- For [Reference Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeReferenceType) Attributes, use the [Reference](ctp:api:type:Reference) object as `value`.
Tailoring of [Nested Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeNestedType) Attributes is not supported.
The same rules for
apply as for Attribute in Product Variants.