interface QuoteRequestDraft {
    cart: CartResourceIdentifier;
    cartVersion: number;
    comment?: string;
    custom?: CustomFieldsDraft;
    key?: string;
    purchaseOrderNumber?: string;
    state?: StateReference;


Cart for which a Quote is requested. Anonymous Carts, Carts with Discount Codes, and Carts with Multiple ShippingMode are not supported. The Cart must have a shippingAddress defined, otherwise an InvalidOperation error is returned when creating a Quote Request.

cartVersion: number

Current version of the referenced Cart.

comment?: string

Message from the Buyer included in the Quote Request.

Custom Fields to be added to the Quote Request.

key?: string

User-defined unique identifier for the QuoteRequest.

purchaseOrderNumber?: string

Identifier for a purchase order, usually in a B2B context. The Purchase Order Number is typically entered by the Buyer.

State of the Quote Request. This reference can point to a State in a custom workflow.