
deliveries?: Delivery[]

Information on how items are delivered to customers.

discountedPrice?: DiscountedLineItemPrice

Discounted price of the Shipping Method.

Determined based on the ShippingRate and its tiered prices, and either the sum of LineItem prices or the shippingRateInput field.

shippingMethod?: ShippingMethodReference

Not set if a custom Shipping Method is used.

shippingMethodName: string

Name of the Shipping Method.

shippingMethodState: string

Indicates whether the ShippingMethod referenced in this ShippingInfo is allowed for the Cart.

shippingRate: ShippingRate

Used to determine the price.

taxCategory?: TaxCategoryReference

Used to select a Tax Rate when a Cart has the Platform TaxMode.

taxedPrice?: TaxedItemPrice

Automatically set after the taxRate is set.

taxRate?: TaxRate

Automatically set in the Platform TaxMode after the shipping address is set.

For the `External` [TaxMode](ctp:api:type:TaxMode) the Tax Rate must be set explicitly with the [ExternalTaxRateDraft](ctp:api:type:ExternalTaxRateDraft).