interface StandalonePriceDraft {
    active?: boolean;
    channel?: ChannelResourceIdentifier;
    country?: string;
    custom?: CustomFieldsDraft;
    customerGroup?: CustomerGroupResourceIdentifier;
    discounted?: DiscountedPriceDraft;
    key?: string;
    sku: string;
    staged?: StagedPriceDraft;
    tiers?: PriceTierDraft[];
    validFrom?: string;
    validUntil?: string;
    value: _Money;


active?: boolean

Set to false, if the StandalonePrice should not be considered during Product price selection.

Sets the product distribution Channel for which this Price is valid.

country?: string

Sets the country for which this Price is valid.

Custom Fields for the StandalonePrice.

Sets the CustomerGroup for which this Price is valid.

Sets a discounted price for this Price that is different from the base price with value.

key?: string

User-defined unique identifier for the StandalonePrice.

sku: string

Specifies to which ProductVariant the API associates this Price. It is not validated to exist in product variants.

Staged changes for the StandalonePrice.

tiers?: PriceTierDraft[]

Sets price tiers.

If `discounted` is set, the tiered Price is ignored for a Product Variant.
validFrom?: string

Sets the date from which the Price is valid. Must be at least 1 ms earlier than validUntil.

validUntil?: string

Sets the date until the Price is valid. Must be at least 1 ms later than validFrom. Standalone Prices that are no longer valid are not automatically deleted, but they can be deleted if necessary.

value: _Money

Sets the money value of this Price.

To set the money value in high precision, use [HighPrecisionMoneyDraft](ctp:api:type:HighPrecisionMoneyDraft).