interface Channel {
    address?: Address;
    createdAt: string;
    createdBy?: CreatedBy;
    custom?: CustomFields;
    description?: LocalizedString;
    geoLocation?: GeoJsonPoint;
    id: string;
    key: string;
    lastModifiedAt: string;
    lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy;
    name?: LocalizedString;
    reviewRatingStatistics?: ReviewRatingStatistics;
    roles: string[];
    version: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


address?: Address

Address where the Channel is located (for example, if the Channel is a physical store).

createdAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the Channel was initially created.

createdBy?: CreatedBy

IDs and references that created the Channel.

custom?: CustomFields

Custom Fields defined for the Channel.

description?: LocalizedString

Description of the Channel.

geoLocation?: GeoJsonPoint

GeoJSON geometry object encoding the geo location of the Channel.

id: string

Unique identifier of the Channel.

key: string

User-defined unique identifier of the Channel.

lastModifiedAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the Channel was last updated.

lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy

IDs and references that last modified the Channel.

Name of the Channel.

reviewRatingStatistics?: ReviewRatingStatistics

Statistics about the review ratings taken into account for the Channel.

roles: string[]

Roles of the Channel.

version: number

Current version of the Channel.