A snapshot of an Order at the time it was imported.

interface OrderImportDraft {
    billingAddress?: _BaseAddress;
    businessUnit?: BusinessUnitResourceIdentifier;
    completedAt?: string;
    country?: string;
    custom?: CustomFieldsDraft;
    customerEmail?: string;
    customerGroup?: CustomerGroupResourceIdentifier;
    customerId?: string;
    customLineItems?: CustomLineItemImportDraft[];
    inventoryMode?: string;
    itemShippingAddresses?: BaseAddress[];
    lineItems?: LineItemImportDraft[];
    orderNumber?: string;
    orderState?: string;
    origin?: string;
    paymentInfo?: PaymentInfo;
    paymentState?: string;
    purchaseOrderNumber?: string;
    shipmentState?: string;
    shippingAddress?: _BaseAddress;
    shippingInfo?: ShippingInfoImportDraft;
    state?: StateReference;
    store?: StoreResourceIdentifier;
    taxCalculationMode?: string;
    taxedPrice?: TaxedPriceDraft;
    taxRoundingMode?: string;
    totalPrice: _Money;


billingAddress?: _BaseAddress

Billing address associated with the Order.

ResourceIdentifier to the Business Unit the Order should belong to. When the customerId of the Order is also set, the Customer must be an Associate of the Business Unit.

completedAt?: string

User-defined date and time for the Order. This value does not influence the createdAt or lastModifiedAt values of the Order created by the Order Import.

country?: string

Include a value to associate a country with the Order.

Custom Fields for the Order.

customerEmail?: string

The Email address of the Customer the Order belongs to. Can be used instead of customerId when no check against existing Customers is required.

The Customer Group of the Customer the Order belongs to.

customerId?: string

The id of the Customer the Order belongs to.

customLineItems?: CustomLineItemImportDraft[]

Custom Line Items to add to the Cart.

If not specified, `lineItems` must not be empty.
inventoryMode?: string

Determines how stock quantities are tracked for Line Items in the Cart.

itemShippingAddresses?: BaseAddress[]

Addresses for Orders with multiple shipping addresses. Addresses must include a value for key.

lineItems?: LineItemImportDraft[]

Line Items to add to the Order.

If not specified, `customLineItems` must not be empty.
orderNumber?: string

User-defined identifier of the Order. Must be unique across a Project. Once set, the value cannot be changed.

orderState?: string

Current status of the Order.

origin?: string

Indicates the origin of the Order.

paymentInfo?: PaymentInfo

Payment information associated with the Order.

paymentState?: string

Payment status of the Order.

purchaseOrderNumber?: string

User-defined identifier for a purchase Order.

shipmentState?: string

Shipment status of the Order.

shippingAddress?: _BaseAddress

Shipping address associated with the Order.

Shipping-related information of the Order.

State of the Order in a custom workflow.

The Store the Order belongs to. Used for filtering.

If a [LineItemImportDraft](ctp:api:type:LineItemImportDraft) or a [CustomLineItemImportDraft](ctp:api:type:CustomLineItemImportDraft) specifies a `distributionChannel` or a `supplyChannel` that is not defined for the referenced Store, the Order Import gets rejected.
The same applies when the provided `country` is not defined for the referenced Store.
taxCalculationMode?: string

Determines how taxes are calculated for taxedPrice.

taxedPrice?: TaxedPriceDraft

Include TaxedPrice information for the Order. If not included, and if you have Tax Rates set for Line Items and Custom Line Items, the Order total will not be recalculated.

taxRoundingMode?: string

Determines how monetary values are rounded when calculating taxes for taxedPrice.

totalPrice: _Money

The total Price of the Order. The amount can be negative.