interface OrderImportDraft {
    billingAddress?: _BaseAddress;
    businessUnit?: BusinessUnitResourceIdentifier;
    completedAt?: string;
    country?: string;
    custom?: CustomFieldsDraft;
    customLineItems?: CustomLineItemImportDraft[];
    customerEmail?: string;
    customerGroup?: CustomerGroupResourceIdentifier;
    customerId?: string;
    inventoryMode?: string;
    itemShippingAddresses?: BaseAddress[];
    lineItems?: LineItemImportDraft[];
    orderNumber?: string;
    orderState?: string;
    origin?: string;
    paymentInfo?: PaymentInfo;
    paymentState?: string;
    shipmentState?: string;
    shippingAddress?: _BaseAddress;
    shippingInfo?: ShippingInfoImportDraft;
    state?: StateReference;
    store?: StoreResourceIdentifier;
    taxRoundingMode?: string;
    taxedPrice?: TaxedPriceDraft;
    totalPrice: _Money;


billingAddress?: _BaseAddress

The Business Unit the Cart belongs to.

completedAt?: string
country?: string

A two-digit country code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. Used for product variant price selection.

The custom fields.

customLineItems?: CustomLineItemImportDraft[]

If not given lineItems must not be empty.

customerEmail?: string

The customer email can be used when no check against existing Customers is desired during order import.

Set when the customer is set and the customer is a member of a customer group. Used for product variant price selection.

customerId?: string

If given the customer with that ID must exist in the project.

inventoryMode?: string

If not given the mode None will be assigned by default.

itemShippingAddresses?: BaseAddress[]

Contains addresses for orders with multiple shipping addresses.

lineItems?: LineItemImportDraft[]

If not given customLineItems must not be empty.

orderNumber?: string

String that unique identifies an order. It can be used to create more human-readable (in contrast to ID) identifier for the order. It should be unique within a project.

orderState?: string

If not given the Open state will be assigned by default.

origin?: string

The default origin is Customer.

paymentInfo?: PaymentInfo
paymentState?: string
shipmentState?: string
shippingAddress?: _BaseAddress

Set if the ShippingMethod is set.

This reference can point to a state in a custom workflow.

taxRoundingMode?: string

If not given the tax rounding mode HalfEven will be assigned by default.

taxedPrice?: TaxedPriceDraft

Order Import does not support calculation of taxes. When setting the draft the taxedPrice is to be provided.

totalPrice: _Money

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