Given the mode of Product Selection, this assignment refers to, it may contain:

- `variantSelection` field for a Product Selection with `Individual` [ProductSelectionMode](ctp:api:type:ProductSelectionMode).
- `variantExclusion` field for a Product Selection with `IndividualExclusion` [ProductSelectionMode](ctp:api:type:ProductSelectionMode).


Reference to a Product that is assigned to the ProductSelection.

productSelection: ProductSelectionReference

Reference to the Product Selection that this assignment is part of.

variantExclusion?: ProductVariantExclusion

Defines which Variants of the Product will be excluded from the Product Selection.

This field is only available for assignments to a Product Selection with `IndividualExclusion` [ProductSelectionMode](ctp:api:type:ProductSelectionMode).
The list of SKUs will be updated automatically on any change of those performed on the respective Product itself.
variantSelection?: ProductVariantSelection

Define which Variants of the added Product will be included in the Product Selection.

This field is only available for assignments to a Product Selection with `Individual` [ProductSelectionMode](ctp:api:type:ProductSelectionMode).
The list of SKUs will be updated automatically on any change of those performed on the respective Product itself.