Updates the key of a single enum value in an AttributeEnumType AttributeDefinition, AttributeLocalizedEnumType AttributeDefinition, AttributeSetType of AttributeEnumType AttributeDefinition, or AttributeSetType of AttributeLocalizedEnumType AttributeDefinition.
If the AttributeDefinition does not contain an enum with the referenced key, a [EnumKeyDoesNotExist](ctp:api:type:EnumKeyDoesNotExistError) error is returned.
All Products will be updated to the new key in an [eventually consistent](/general-concepts#eventual-consistency) way.
Updates the key of a single enum
in an AttributeEnumType AttributeDefinition, AttributeLocalizedEnumType AttributeDefinition, AttributeSetType of AttributeEnumType AttributeDefinition, or AttributeSetType of AttributeLocalizedEnumType AttributeDefinition.