Either id or sku is required to reference a ProductVariant that exists.

interface ProductVariantTailoringDraft {
    assets?: Asset[];
    attributes?: ProductTailoringAttribute[];
    id?: number;
    images?: Image[];
    sku?: string;


assets?: Asset[]

Media assets of the tailored Product Variant.

Attributes of the tailored Product Variant according to the respective AttributeDefinition. If provided, these Attributes are selectively merged into the attributes of the corresponding ProductVariant:

- If the ProductVariant contains an Attribute with the same `name`, its `value` is overwritten,
- otherwise the Attribute and its value are added to the ProductVariant.
id?: number

The id of the ProductVariant to be tailored.

images?: Image[]

Images of the tailored Product Variant.

sku?: string

The sku of the ProductVariant to be tailored.