interface RetryOnConflictParams<T = any> {
    delayMs?: number;
    executeFn: (attemptNo: number) => Promise<T>;
    jitter?: boolean;
    maxRetries?: number;

Type Parameters

  • T = any


delayMs?: number

The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying a failed request. This will be increased exponentially CommercetoolsApi.calculateDelay. Defaults to 100.

executeFn: (attemptNo: number) => Promise<T>

Any function that returns a promise

This function is expected to be able to throw a CommercetoolsError with a status code of 409. These errors should not be swallowed by the code in this function.

jitter?: boolean

If enabled, adds a random element to the exponential increase in retry time. See the following url for more details: We utilise the 'full' jitter + plus an additional decaying variance.

maxRetries?: number

The maximum number of times that we'll call the executeFn function before returning the error caught from the last failure. Defaults to 3.