interface Review {
    authorName?: string;
    createdAt: string;
    createdBy?: CreatedBy;
    custom?: CustomFields;
    customer?: CustomerReference;
    id: string;
    includedInStatistics: boolean;
    key?: string;
    lastModifiedAt: string;
    lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy;
    locale?: string;
    rating?: number;
    state?: StateReference;
    target?: ProductReference | ChannelReference;
    text?: string;
    title?: string;
    uniquenessValue?: string;
    version: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


authorName?: string

Name of the author.

createdAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the Review was initially created.

createdBy?: CreatedBy

IDs and references that created the Review.

custom?: CustomFields

Custom Fields of the Review.

Customer who created the Review.

id: string

Unique identifier of the Review.

includedInStatistics: boolean

Indicates if this Review is taken into account in the ratings statistics of the target. A Review is per default used in the statistics, unless the Review is in a state that does not have the role ReviewIncludedInStatistics. If the role of a State is modified after the calculation of this field, the calculation is not updated.

key?: string

User-defined unique identifier of the Review.

lastModifiedAt: string

Date and time (UTC) the Review was last updated.

lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy

IDs and references that last modified the Review.

locale?: string

Language in which the content of the Review is written.

rating?: number

Rating of the Product or Channel.

State of the Review. Used for approval processes, see Review approval process for details.

Identifies the target of the Review. Can be a Product or a Channel, specified as ProductReference or ChannelReference, respectively.

text?: string

Content of the Review.

title?: string

Title of the Review.

uniquenessValue?: string

Must be unique among Reviews. For example, if this value is set to Customer id + Product id, only one Review per Customer and per Product is allowed.

version: number

Current version of the Review.