Interface StagedOrderSetShippingAddressAndCustomShippingMethodAction

Sets the shipping address and a custom Shipping Method together to prevent an inconsistent state.

interface StagedOrderSetShippingAddressAndCustomShippingMethodAction {
    action: "setShippingAddressAndCustomShippingMethod";
    address: _BaseAddress;
    externalTaxRate?: ExternalTaxRateDraft;
    shippingMethodName: string;
    shippingRate: ShippingRateDraft;
    taxCategory?: TaxCategoryResourceIdentifier;


action: "setShippingAddressAndCustomShippingMethod"
address: _BaseAddress

Value to set for shippingAddress.

externalTaxRate?: ExternalTaxRateDraft

An external Tax Rate can be set if the Cart has the External TaxMode.

shippingMethodName: string

Value to set.

shippingRate: ShippingRateDraft

Value to set.

Used to select a Tax Rate when the Order has the Platform TaxMode.