interface ProductSearchRequest {
    facets?: ProductSearchFacetExpression[];
    limit?: number;
    markMatchingVariants?: boolean;
    offset?: number;
    postFilter?: _SearchQuery;
    productProjectionParameters?: ProductSearchProjectionParams;
    query?: _SearchQuery;
    sort?: SearchSorting[];


Set this field to request facets.

limit?: number

The maximum number of search results to be returned in one page.

markMatchingVariants?: boolean

The search can return Products where not all Product Variants match the search criteria. If true, the response will include a field called matchingVariants that contains the sku of Product Variants that match the search query. If the query does not specify any variant-level criteria, matchingVariants will be null signifying that all Product Variants are a match.

offset?: number

The number of search results to be skipped in the response for pagination.

postFilter?: _SearchQuery

Specify an additional filter on the result of the query after the API calculated facets. This feature assists you in implementing faceted search.

productProjectionParameters?: ProductSearchProjectionParams

Controls data integration with Product Projection parameters. If not set, the result does not include the Product Projection.

query?: _SearchQuery

The search query against searchable Product fields.

sort?: SearchSorting[]

Controls how results to your query are sorted. If not provided, the results are sorted by relevance score in descending order.