interface StagedOrder {
    anonymousId?: string;
    billingAddress?: Address;
    businessUnit?: BusinessUnitKeyReference;
    cart?: CartReference;
    completedAt?: string;
    country?: string;
    createdAt: string;
    createdBy?: CreatedBy;
    custom?: CustomFields;
    customLineItems: CustomLineItem[];
    customerEmail?: string;
    customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference;
    customerId?: string;
    discountCodes?: DiscountCodeInfo[];
    id: string;
    inventoryMode?: string;
    itemShippingAddresses?: Address[];
    lastMessageSequenceNumber?: number;
    lastModifiedAt: string;
    lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy;
    lineItems: LineItem[];
    locale?: string;
    orderNumber?: string;
    orderState: string;
    origin: string;
    paymentInfo?: PaymentInfo;
    paymentState?: string;
    purchaseOrderNumber?: string;
    quote?: QuoteReference;
    refusedGifts: CartDiscountReference[];
    returnInfo?: ReturnInfo[];
    shipmentState?: string;
    shipping: Shipping[];
    shippingAddress?: Address;
    shippingCustomFields?: CustomFields;
    shippingInfo?: ShippingInfo;
    shippingKey?: string;
    shippingMode: string;
    shippingRateInput?: ShippingRateInput;
    state?: StateReference;
    store?: StoreKeyReference;
    syncInfo: SyncInfo[];
    taxCalculationMode?: string;
    taxMode?: string;
    taxRoundingMode?: string;
    taxedPrice?: TaxedPrice;
    taxedShippingPrice?: TaxedPrice;
    totalPrice: TypedMoney;
    version: number;



anonymousId?: string

Identifies carts and orders belonging to an anonymous session (the customer has not signed up/in yet).

billingAddress?: Address

The Business Unit the Order belongs to.

Set when this order was created from a cart. The cart will have the state Ordered.

completedAt?: string

This field will only be present if it was set for Order Import

country?: string

A two-digit country code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. Used for product variant price selection.

createdAt: string
createdBy?: CreatedBy

Present on resources created after 1 February 2019 except for events not tracked.

custom?: CustomFields
customLineItems: CustomLineItem[]
customerEmail?: string
customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference

Set when the customer is set and the customer is a member of a customer group. Used for product variant price selection.

customerId?: string
discountCodes?: DiscountCodeInfo[]
id: string

Unique identifier of the Order.

inventoryMode?: string
itemShippingAddresses?: Address[]

Contains addresses for orders with multiple shipping addresses.

lastMessageSequenceNumber?: number

Internal-only field.


lastModifiedAt: string
lastModifiedBy?: LastModifiedBy

Present on resources created after 1 February 2019 except for events not tracked.

lineItems: LineItem[]
locale?: string
orderNumber?: string

String that uniquely identifies an order. It can be used to create more human-readable (in contrast to ID) identifier for the order. It should be unique across a project. Once it's set it cannot be changed.

orderState: string

One of the four predefined OrderStates.

origin: string
paymentInfo?: PaymentInfo
paymentState?: string
purchaseOrderNumber?: string

The Purchase Order Number is typically set by the Buyer on a QuoteRequest to track the purchase order during the quote and order flow.

Set when this order was created from a quote.

refusedGifts: CartDiscountReference[]

Automatically filled when a line item with LineItemMode GiftLineItem is removed from this order.

returnInfo?: ReturnInfo[]
shipmentState?: string
shipping: Shipping[]

Holds all shipping-related information per Shipping Method for Multi ShippingMode.

It is updated automatically after the [Shipping Method is added](ctp:api:type:CartAddShippingMethodAction).
shippingAddress?: Address

Holds all shipping-related information per Shipping Method.

For `Multi` [ShippingMode](ctp:api:typeShippingMode), it is updated automatically after the Shipping Methods are added.
shippingCustomFields?: CustomFields

Custom Fields of the Shipping Method for Single ShippingMode.

shippingInfo?: ShippingInfo

Set if the ShippingMethod is set.

shippingKey?: string

User-defined unique identifier of the Shipping Method with Single ShippingMode.

shippingMode: string

Indicates whether one or multiple Shipping Methods are added to the Cart.

shippingRateInput?: ShippingRateInput

Input used to select a ShippingRatePriceTier. The data type of this field depends on the shippingRateInputType.type configured in the Project:

- If `CartClassification`, it is [ClassificationShippingRateInput](ctp:api:type:ClassificationShippingRateInput).
- If `CartScore`, it is [ScoreShippingRateInput](ctp:api:type:ScoreShippingRateInput).
- If `CartValue`, it cannot be used.

This reference can point to a state in a custom workflow.

syncInfo: SyncInfo[]
taxCalculationMode?: string

When calculating taxes for taxedPrice, the selected mode is used for calculating the price with LineItemLevel (horizontally) or UnitPriceLevel (vertically) calculation mode.

taxMode?: string
taxRoundingMode?: string

When calculating taxes for taxedPrice, the selected mode is used for rouding.

taxedPrice?: TaxedPrice

The taxes are calculated based on the shipping address.

taxedShippingPrice?: TaxedPrice

Sum of taxedPrice of ShippingInfo across all Shipping Methods. For Platform TaxMode, it is set automatically only if shipping address is set or Shipping Method is added to the Cart.

totalPrice: TypedMoney
version: number

The current version of the order.

Generated using TypeDoc